Editor 101 —1 Immigrants must abide by the rule of the land and not vice-versa

Alt News Media Inc
2 min readNov 14, 2020
Image copyright © Photo by marco allasio from Pexels

Every year a million people migrate from around the globe to other countries — some legally. Yet the heavy focus of the immigration is to ensure the best of minds to work in the country and add to the resource of the country. But what happens when the immigrants refuse to assimilate to laws of your country but instead ask you assimilate to them? We have a problem.

Almost everyone immigration system checks the intelligence and sometimes even the physical beauty but who checks the cultural fit? How safe are you if I told you that my culture accepts me to murder you if you do not agree to my beliefs? How safe are the women if the women in my own country are treated as second-class citizens? How safe are the children if girls are always told to cover up from head to toe else they risk being hurt? And so by my immigration, does the very fabric of your society just change?

In Turkey — Christian teachers who do not wear a scarf are openly jeered at, by teenage muslim students. In Pakistan —Christian school teachers are sexually harassed by muslim students to point that they quit their jobs. The muslim culture is more of a man-centered religion. Every girl is for a man to be sexually violated and every other religion is a punching bag. In Bangladesh — Christian houses are raided at night and the women are stripped naked for public humiliation. In Iran — non-muslim houses are threatened with harm to the point that they exist in the out skirts of the cities.

Most western families feel it is obligatory not to offend immigrants but the immigrant is not obligated to take into consideration the existing culture around. How would you react if the children from other countries feel that native inhabitants are vulnerable?

If so then is allowing immigration worth it? to destroy your culture? to destroy the very fabric of your society?

Unless the countries enforce a struct rule — a rule for all immigrants to assimilate by the law of the country — the existing culture will be ripped apart. As more refugees are given safe passages to European countries —native women find it unsafe to travel in their own streets, churches will continue to be vandalized, innocent citizens will be murdered, terror attacks will continue to rip apart the trust in the society, and no one will feel safe anymore. As for the muslims, they can always immigrate back to their countries, but where do you go to?

Islamophoic? Or are you Christianphobic?



Alt News Media Inc

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